- Meeting Facilitator
- Facilitator Trainer
- Meeting Setup/Take Down, Door Greeter
- Practice Committee Member
- Attend facilitator training
- At least 3 months of continuous abstinence from recreational drugs, alcohol, & process addictions
- 3 months trial period
- Working Recovery Dharma program & continual dedication to practice and ethical conduct
- Regular attendance at meetings
- Come in early to prepare, ensure all meeting materials are in place, welcome members
- Be attentive to the group, especially newcomers & newer members
- Follow the meeting script to facilitate the meeting and lead the discussion
- Count the number of attendees, and fill out the meeting log during the meeting
- Provide books and collect payment
- Answer any meeting-related questions
- Count Dana & put away meeting supplies – put key in the lockbox
- Count and record the dana on the envelope and the meeting log – give to Treasurer or put in lock box
- Ensure all scripts, meditations and other paperwork/literature is put away in the appropriate binders, etc.
- Maintain contact with practice committee about any meeting-related issues that can be brought to business meetings
Number of Positions: 1 | Rotation: Yearly
- At least 1 year of continuous abstinence from all recreational drugs, alcohol & process addictions
- Working Recovery Dharma program & continual dedication to practice & ethical conduct
- Regular attendance at meetings
- Regular involvement in business meetings
- Appoint a backup person
Can be appointed at the start of each meeting by the Meeting Facilitator
- Regular attendance at meetings
- Working the Recovery Dharma Program
- In charge of lighting and doors (i.e. adjust lighting for reading vs. sharing. Ensure door stays open until the meeting starts)
- Greet sangha members as they arrive, offer tea
- Help newcomers find the meeting if asked
- Help with seating and set-up, take down
- Set out tea station
- Retrieve more chairs if needed
- Rearrange for wheelchair space if necessary
- Direct people to cushions or more seating if necessary
- At least 6 months of continuous abstinence from recreational drugs, alcohol, & actively working on identified process addictions
- Working Recovery Dharma program & continual dedication to practice and ethical conduct
- Regular attendance at meetings
- Member voted in by Practice Committee
- Attend monthly practice committee meetings
- Consistent communication and involvement with other PC members
- Participate in Democratic decision making process and feedback
- Maintain assigned service position, as required
The Practice Committee is made up of volunteers from the community who assist behind the scenes and manage the business aspects of the group. Here is a list of what we are and what we are not:
We are:
- Volunteers
- In Recovery with a minimum of 6 months continuous abstinence
- Committed to the precepts
- Here for peer support and share our own practice experiences
- Here to look out for the health and safety of the Sangha
- Here to handle the financial and business aspects of the group
- Responsible for the RD YYC e-mail and social media
- Here to ensure things get done behind the scenes
- Here to ensure we continue a healthy relationship with CommunityWise and it’s other members
We are not:
- Paid employees
- Therapists, counsellors or health care professionals
- Here to mediate personal differences unless they affect the health and safety of the group as a whole
- Responsible for the actions of individuals in the community, other than ourselves